Word-on-Body advertising refers to the use of one's body to advertise the feelings and sentiments of one's religious orientation. A case in point is the use of tattoos depicting religious symbols and icons. Though, the Leviticus 19:28 from the Holy Bible reads, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, not print any marks upon you. I am Jenovah", clearly discouraging the use of tattoos. Tattoos were viewed as evil and considered as pagan symbols. However over time, many practicing Christians have also started tattooing their bodies with religious symbols. And the argument offered by many is that the human body is regarded as the God's temple, so body art such as tattoos are nothing but the frescoes and sacred murals in a church.
Other example of using the body as the billboard for one's faith can be seen in the case of fire-walking, which finds relevance in several cultures and religious sects.
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